Cowboy Santa

Cowboy Santa

Book 6: Cowboy Academy
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Can they help each other

Make the season bright?

A small-town Oklahoma Christmas would be charming if single dad Chandler Cochran wasn’t being called into the principal’s office to deal with his son’s antics. The instigator behind young Sam’s misbehavior? Little Della-Mae, Izzy Adams’s daughter. The same Izzy who has just taken a job decorating Chandler’s family ranch for the holidays! And even though she and Chandler are pulled together to deal with their children’s misadventures, the bubbly mom and her sweet daughter are adding light and warmth to the stoic cowboy’s world. Will trouble turn into an unexpected gift this Christmas?

The Cowboy Academy


From Harlequin Heartwarming: Wholesome stories of love, compassion and belonging.

The Cowboy Academy

Book 1: A Cowboy Worth Waiting For
Book 2: A Cowboy's Fourth of July
Book 3: A Cowboy Christmas Carol
Book 4: A Cowboy for the Twins
Book 5: The Rodeo Star's Reunion
Book 6: Cowboy Santa

Release date: November 26, 2024

Publisher: Harlequin

Print pages: 336

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