Clean Sweep Cozy Mystery Series #1: Books 1-3

Clean Sweep Cozy Mystery Series #1: Books 1-3

Dianne Harman Founding author
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When Jane's husband left her and their children for greener pastures, she had no choice but to take as many housecleaning jobs as she could get to support them. Little did she know that during one of those jobs she would discover that a valuable ring her client owned had been stolen and find out she had a talent for solving mysteries.

When she looked at a long-lost map that a treasure seeker had discovered, she realized it gave directions to an old farmhouse that had been in her family for generations. Even more ironic, it’s the very same farmhouse Jane and her children are moving into, a farmhouse that’s been abandoned for decades. Plus, the museum expert in charge of finding the treasure is definitely interested in Jane! Then her ex-husband comes back to town and she has no idea how she should deal with that!.

Follow Jane on her journey of self-discovery as she solves mysteries, deals with romance, dysfunctional relationships, and struggles to provide for her children, one of them a teenager ready to sprout his wings!.

Release date: June 15, 2024

Print pages: 541

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