CatTails & CrowBars

CatTails & CrowBars

Where love purrs and danger prowls, every whisper reveals a truth.
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Where love purrs and danger prowls, every whisper reveals a truth.

In the quaint town of Rubato, where the extraordinary is just another part of everyday life, BMC (Better Known as Psychic Cat) finds himself entangled in a web of mystery and romance that challenges his very understanding of souls and affections.

When Bobby, a robot with a colorful past, vanishes without a trace, BMC's psychic senses are set ablaze. Aided by his faithful friend Echo, he embarks on a quest to unravel the truth. But the investigation takes a complicated turn with the arrival of a captivating new feline, whose allure threatens to eclipse BMC's long-standing bond with Echo.

Meanwhile, Jenna, BMC's human companion, faces her own emotional conundrum. As she delves into the mysterious whereabouts of a local celebrity, her relationship with Mark, the grumpy yet effective detective, reaches a crossroads. Torn between duty and the whispers of her heart, Jenna must navigate the murky waters of love and deceit.

As the dual mysteries intertwine, BMC and Jenna find themselves confronting not just the secrets hidden on The Allegro Islands, but also the profound questions of the the soul and love. With each clue, they come closer to the truth, but at the cost of realizing that sometimes, the most deceptive masks are the ones worn by our own hearts.

"CatTails & Crowbars" is book four in the enchanting Psychic Cat Paranormal Cozy Mystery Series. It's filled with intrigue, magic, and the intricacies of the heart. Join BMC and Jenna as they unravel a case where love, betrayal, and the soul's essence are intricately interwoven, leading to a discovery that will change their lives forever.

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Release date: February 9, 2024

Print pages: 291

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