But I Need You

But I Need You

Book 2: This Love Hurts
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Some love stories are a slow burn. Others are quick to ignite, scorching and branding your very soul before you've taken that first breath. You're never given a chance to run from it.
That's how I'd describe what happened to us.

Everything around me blurred and all that existed were his lips, his touch...
The chase and the heat between us became addictive.
Our nights together were a distraction, one we craved to the point of letting the world crumble around us.
We should have paid more attention; we should have known that it would come to this.
We both knew it couldn't last, but that didn't change what we desired most.

All we wanted was each other...

This is the second book in the This Love Hurts trilogy and This Love Hurts, book one, must be read first.

Release date: October 20, 2020

Print pages: 214

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