Longing to Hold: Prelude to Hard to Love

Longing to Hold: Prelude to Hard to Love

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From USA Today bestselling author Willow Winters comes the prelude to the heart-wrenching, edge-of-your-seat gripping, romantic suspense Hard to Love.

There's a moment when I forget he's not mine. This small spell of time, when I let my thoughts carry me away.

He holds me. He kisses me. He makes all of this better.

That moment when I'm his and everything is all right, is gone in an instant. It's quick and fleeting, moving so fast that it slips through my grasp. If I could catch it, I'd hold on to it forever.

I always thought this thing between us would only ever be just that. A passing moment, a pleasant dream that helped lull me to sleep at night.

If I'd known what was to come, maybe I would have thought twice.

I couldn't have prepared for this.

Longing to Hold is a short prelude to the Hard to Love series.

Release date: December 1, 2019

Publisher: Willow Winters Publishing LLC

Print pages: 55

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