Bare Knuckle

Bare Knuckle

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WHEN A MAN WAS REDUCED to asking advice of a tomcat, it didn't bode well for the state of his affairs. And yet, here Brian Riordan was doing exactly that.

So begins this prequel to the Exit Unicorns series, as we join the Riordan boys in the rough and tumble world of Belfast, Northern Ireland, during a summer of change and promise. Casey Riordan is on the cusp on manhood, and is learning just how high the price of that transition can be. Tagging along on this adventure is his brother, Pat, who is both shadow and conscience to Casey. Their father, Brian, is simply trying to keep his sons safe—a tall order in the gritty streets of this particular city.

Bare Knuckle spans the events of one summer, giving a glimpse into the lives of the Riordans—the boys as they embark on the path to the men they are destined to be, and their father as he guides them along the way. The road is not smooth and contains hard lessons, both those of betrayal and treachery, all stemming from the events of one warm July night, when the match of hatred is set to the fuel of violence. After that night, life as they know it spirals out of control for the Riordans, until one man is forced to rejoin a world he thought he'd left behind forever, to ensure the safety of those he loves.

Release date: May 1, 2018

Publisher: Starry Night Press

Print pages: 121

Reader says this book is...: action-packed (1) entertaining story (1) realistic characters (1) rich setting(s) (1) satisfying ending (1) thought-provoking (1)

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