A Wedding for Brianna: A Small Town Christmas Romance

A Wedding for Brianna: A Small Town Christmas Romance

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A grumpy doctor and a sassy nurse square off, but can they overcome the baggage of their past lives to find happiness?

Surgical nurse
Brianna Malone spends her days singing to her patients and standing firm against the grumpiest doctor ever, Doctor Liam McNamara. Ever since her best friend married Liam’s best friend, he pops up everywhere she is with his less-than-stellar social skills.

He’s been nicknamed Dr. Grump, and she is the only person brave enough to call him that to his face. He irritates her at work, at dinner with their friends, and at the free clinic where they both volunteer. She vows to put him out of her mind and get on with her master’s degree, except she’s curious as to why he often ends up volunteering at the clinic the same time she does.

Trauma surgeon
Liam McNamara tries to avoid Brianna Malone because her singing reminds him too much of his loss. And yet, he volunteers at the free clinic when she does and accepts every invitation his friends extend when he knows she’ll be there. He doesn’t understand why he can’t resist her gravitational pull, and then a vicious attack on Thanksgiving evening brings it all into focus.

Can Liam and Brianna stop repelling each other long enough to form a lasting relationship?

Release date: November 15, 2023

Publisher: TimiDio Press

Print pages: 234

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