Verna Cyril

About the author
Verna Cyril was born on the beautiful island of Saint Lucia, in the Caribbean. From an early age, Verna was fascinated by the written word and she devoured anything in print that she could lay her hands on. As she progressed, her knowledge of the world and the intricacies of human behavior increased and fired her imagination to express herself in the fantasy of conjuring stories that were graphic and spellbinding much to the delight of family members and a growing circle of friends and admirers.
The encouragement she got from well-wishers led her to write her first novel, a romance, in which she implicitly endorses the belief that love is capable of surmounting all barriers. In this book, Heart of a Slave she weaves fantasy into a robust adventure, exploring the dynamics of the historical era, in which the story is set, in a spectacular and credible tale.
Other than the hours she spends daily reading, writing and researching, Verna devotes time for her closely-knit and supportive family, especially being outdoors with them and enjoying nature. Verna is amiable and loves meeting her readers and other people as there is so much she learns from others in an intimate one-to-one discourse.

Books by Verna Cyril


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