Rosalind Tate

Romantic time-travel and a fab dog - what's not to like? Gloucestershire, England.
About the author

Before Rosalind started writing the Shorten Chronicles, she served in the military, then worked as a journalist and a lawyer. She has grown up children, a tolerant husband and two utterly gorgeous dogs.

Genres: Alternative History FantasyTime Travel RomanceYA Science Fiction

Books by Rosalind Tate

The Shorten Chronicles

Behind the books

The idea for the Shorten Chronicles popped into my head when I was watching an episode of Downton Abbey: how would a modern young woman cope in  a grand house a century ago? The answer of course is 'not very well!'

That premise then grew into a larger tale. Book 1, Stranded, was published in 2020. Book 2, Escape, will be published in 2021. In subsequent books, Sophie and the two boys she loves will have more adventures in different historical times and places, as will Sophie's formidable companion, Charlotte the labradoodle.

Stepping through a hidden portal is just the beginning...

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