Maya Daniels

A Rebel. Encouraging sass one word at a time.
About the author
USA Today Bestselling and multi award-winning fiction author, Maya Daniels shares her skillful and creative storytelling with readers from around the world. Semiramis is her first published trilogy. Marrying her investigative journalism skills with her knowledge and passion of the esoteric, she spins compelling stories of magic, truth, romance, and adventure. She lives with her magick sprinkled familiars, cats named Phantom, Loki and Shadow, in Southern California. When not reading all about the arcane, eating chocolate, or writing her next novel, she is busy with her Reiki healing practice.
Genres: Urban FantasyAction & Adventure RomanceParanormal RomanceRomantic ComedyRomantic Suspense

Books by Maya Daniels

Forsaken Destiny
New Blood Rising
Daywalker Series
The Broken Halos series
The Karma Collectors
The Last Note Series
Infernal Regions for the Unprepared
Hidden Portals trilogy
Semiramis series
The Order of the Condor Series
Brigit Grey's Misfortunes Series
The Necronomicon Guardian
Honor among Thieves

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