Recognition - Riconoscimento: Vampire Urban Fantasy Romance

Recognition - Riconoscimento: Vampire Urban Fantasy Romance

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Betrayal. Magic. The throne is far from secure with a new threat lurking in the shadows.

Removing the Council should've been April's biggest problem. Her only friend becoming her archenemy, was not something she saw coming.

Reeling from the gut wrenching betrayal, she is left with too many bodies to count. Fearing the monster she might become, there is only one thing that can stop her now.

Sebastian has a decision to make. Help April with her revenge, or stop her from destroying the human race alongside the mages. 

Is their bond strong enough to bring April back from her bloodlust? 

Or, is one human the catalyst that destroys them all?

The explosive finalle of New Blood Rising will have you gripping your kindle, cheering a vilian like never before.

Grab your copy, and start reading now. 

Release date: February 12, 2021

Print pages: 149

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