Maxine Douglas

American Historicals with Heart
About the author

Maxine Douglas first began writing in the early 1970s while in high school. She took every creative writing course offered at the time and focused her energy for many years after that on poetry. It wasn't until a dear friend's sister revealed she was about to become a published author that jumpstarted Maxine into getting the ball rolling; she finished her first manuscript in a month's time.
Maxine and her late husband moved to Oklahoma in 2010 from Wisconsin. Since then Maxine has rekindled her childhood love of westerns. They have four children, two granddaughters, a great-granddaughter, and a grey tabby named Simon. And many friends now considered Oklahoma family.
One of the things Maxine has learned over the years is that you can never stop dreaming and reaching for the stars. Sooner or later you touch one and it'll bring you more happiness than you can ever imagine. Maxine feels lucky, and blessed, that over the years she's been able to reach out and touch the stars--and she's still reaching.
Maxine loves to hear from her readers. So, come on by and say “Hello”; she would love to hear from you.

Genres: RomanceAmerican RomanceContemporary RomanceHistorical Romance

Books by Maxine Douglas


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