Madelynne Ellis

I write bisexual bad boys. UK
About the author

Madelynne Ellis lives in the UK, not far from the Welsh border with her partner, family, & assorted pets. She is currently sipping rapidly cooling decaf coffee, listening to loud music, & indulging her obsession for tattooed bad boys.

Genres: LGBT BisexualContemporary RomanceErotic & Steamy RomancePolyamory RomanceRegency Romance

Books by Madelynne Ellis

A Gentleman's Wager
Black Halo
Rock Hard
Off the Record
Anything But.
Stirred Passions
Stirred Passions Bomb Shots
Scandalous Seductions
Forbidden Loves
Romps & Rakehells
The Bad Boys of Brit Pop
Blood Moon
Love Reignited

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