Jon Land

About the author

Jon Land is the USA Today bestselling author of more than fifty books, over ten of which feature Texas Ranger Caitlin Strong. The critically acclaimed series has won more than a dozen awards, including the 2019 International Book Award for Best Thriller for Strong as Steel. He is also the author of Chasing the Dragon, a detailed account of the War on Drugs written with one of the most celebrated DEA agents of all time. A graduate of Brown University, Land lives in Providence, Rhode Island and received the 2019 Rhode Island Authors Legacy Award for his lifetime of literary achievements.

Genres: General FictionMysteryThrillersMedia Tie-InAmateur SleuthFemale Sleuths

Books by Jon Land

Caitlin Strong Novels
Michael Tiranno The Tyrant
Blaine McCracken
Ben and Danielle
Thriller 2: Stories You Just Can't Put Down

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