Ibrahima Balde

About the author
Ibrahima Balde is a migrant from the Republic of Guinea who crossed the Sahara Desert to North Africa in search of his younger brother. After entering the European Union without papers, he made his way to the Basque country, where, while living in a homeless shelter in Irun, he met Amets Arzallus. Ibrahima has applied for asylum and now lives in a Red Cross hostel in Madrid.

Amets Arzalllus Antia, a child of refugees, is a well-known Basque versolari, or improvisational poet, who works with an organization that supports migrants in the Basque Country.

Timberlake Wertenbaker is an award-winning British playwright who grew up in Basque Country.
Genres: General FictionComing of AgeCultural HeritageFamily LifeSiblings

Books by Ibrahima Balde


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