Alexis Hall

About the author
Alexis Hall was born in the early 1980s and still thinks the twenty-first century is the future. To this day, he feels cheated that he lived through a fin de siècle but inexplicably failed to drink a single glass of absinthe, dance with a single courtesan, or stay in a single garret.

He did the Oxbridge thing sometime in the 2000s and failed to learn anything of substance. He has had many jobs, including ice cream maker, fortune-teller, lab technician, and professional gambler. He was fired from most of them.

He can neither cook nor sing, but he can handle a seventeenth-century smallsword, punts from the proper end, and knows how to hot-wire a car.

He lives in southeast England, with no cats and no children, and fully intends to keep it that way.

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Twitter: @quicunquevult
Genres: RomanceLGBT & PrideLGBT GayBillionaires RomanceContemporary RomanceLGBT & PrideNew Adult Romance

Books by Alexis Hall

Arden St. Ives
Kate Kane, Paranormal Investigator
Winner Bakes All
Boyfriend Material
The Mortal Follies series
Material World

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