Alex Blakely

Writes about a female rancher who hog-ties murderers. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
About the author

Alex Blakely is a fiction author focusing on detective/mystery based fiction. A university graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Philosophy, his love of the mystery based genre comes from enjoying the works of authors like Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle, Dashiell Hammett, Robert Galbraith and Sue Grafton. He loves old buildings from the Victorian age, castles, secret passages and things that go bump in the night and hopes to bring those elements to his work. Alex Blakely grew up in Ontario, Canada, and still lives there with his family. A two time marathoner and fourteen time half-marathoner, he enjoys being physically active.

Genres: Female SleuthsHard-BoiledPrivate InvestigatorsTraditional MysteriesCrime Fiction

Books by Alex Blakely


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