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I have set up my profile and added the books I have published long with importing the books I have read. I am following some other authors but need to look at following more. I am a bit confused on how to use this facility efficiently.
 on 4/30/21

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Hi. I only joined Binge Books a couple of days ago and have been busy setting up my author page in that time. I'm just about there, although I'm having a few issues with trying to set up a book list. I have one author following me already, which is a good result. I'm now on to joining groups, and I'll see how I get on with interacting and making my work known. Good to meet you.
 on 4/1/21

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So far I filled out my author profile as much as I could, and included a book trailer and sample chapter from my first book. Right now I'm just exploring, hoping to make new connections. I've followed a few well-known authors but haven't delved much into it further than that. I guess I'm still figuring out how this website works.
 on 3/29/21

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