 on 4/3/22
Hi Jean - congratualtions on being our E L James winner!
 on 4/4/22
Hello Erika! Growing up I hated to read until I read Fifty Shades. Now I can’t put books down. Thank you!
My question is what kind of research did you do for Christian’s issues with touch, trust and self doubt? Did you know someone that had similar issues?
Thank you for all of your amazing books.
 on 4/3/22
Hi Kathy,
Even though Erika stayed with us for nearly an hour we didn't manage to cover every question. We hope you found your answer in the chat - and that you enjoyed it as much as we did :)
 on 4/4/22
I'm super excited about today's Book Club chat with E.L. James. I'm curious to know if there is an author who influenced E.L. James to become a writer? And, if she has been able to meet this author.
 on 4/3/22
Hey Margaret - we think Erika answered that question pretty thoroughly in the chat. Hope you enjoyed it :)
 on 4/4/22
Hi Erika! Fifty Shades has been my favourite book series since high school and you are my favourite author. I’ve been wanting a tattoo to honour the series for a while but I’m not sure what to get. What do you think would be a good tattoo for a guy?
 on 3/29/22
That's such a great question! We're highlighting it on our notes for Erika :)
 on 3/30/22
Hey Luke - we asked Erika about your tattoo after the show. She said she thinks that for something as personal and permanent it should be your decision. But that new cover design could make a fabulous tattoo!!
 on 4/3/22
I'm am an author and a critical reader. Not only have I read the series multiple of times, I have read multiple articles about the series as a body of work. First I have to give you a round of applause for getting America back to reading. You have done for adults what JK Rowling did for children. Now on to my question. The popular premise is pure girl meets wealthy tormented manipulative man and throughout the story Anna pulls him into the light. My question is to you, isn't Anna just as manipulative by using her non-eating to make him conform to her will? Why did you introdu...

I'm am an author and a critical reader. Not only have I read the series multiple of times, I have read multiple articles about the series as a body of work. First I have to give you a round of applause for getting America back to reading. You have done for adults what JK Rowling did for children. Now on to my question. The popular premise is pure girl meets wealthy tormented manipulative man and throughout the story Anna pulls him into the light. My question is to you, isn't Anna just as manipulative by using her non-eating to make him conform to her will? Why did you introduce that thread and never pull it to a conclusion? Or did you think it would muddy the plot?
 on 3/28/22
Thank you. We've passed your compliments, and your very interesting question, on to E L James.
 on 3/30/22