Witching Moon

Witching Moon

Book 3: Moon
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The Nature’s Refuge preserve deep in the southern Georgia swamp was a place steeped in superstition and legend—and death. The previous Head Ranger had ended up dead, but werewolf Adam Marshall is ideally suited to explore the park and investigate its dangers. But in the still of the night, a mysterious fire burns, and even Adam’s highly honed instincts are disoriented by the thick, drugging smoke—leading to a near disaster.
Adam’s suspicions are raised by Sara Weston, a biologist who has come to the swamp to research the vegetation. He finds himself drawn to her in ways he doesn’t understand, yet fights the passion that threatens to cloud his judgment. And when a coven of witches with a score to settle with the locals decides that Adam and Sara are in their way, Adam will discover that Sara is hiding secrets as powerful as the one that runs through his blood.

Release date: October 7, 2003

Publisher: Berkley

Print pages: 352

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