Winter Fairy

Winter Fairy

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Widowed doctor Carson Langley doesn't know what surprises him more; that his reticent six year old daughter is the star of her dance recital, that she wants a mommy for Christmas, or that the attractive dance teacher seems to have gotten through to his girl. Too bad teaching is a temporary gig before returning to a professional touring company. Even if he were willing to risk his heart, he has to protect his daughter, Eloise from even more heartbreak. 

Free-spirited dancer Penelope Glazier doesn't believe the stories she's heard about Eloise. All she sees is a creative girl who needs some direction and she's the perfect person to provide some as she recuperates from an injury. After spending time with Eloise and her by-the-book father, she can't deny their connection.

When Penelope lands a plum part, will she dance out of Carson and Eloise's life forever? Or will she tackle on her riskiest role yet?

Release date: September 4, 2018

Publisher: Lola Karns

Print pages: 144

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