Unite Three Times

Unite Three Times

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Windsor - The mob has put the life of the woman I love in the balance too many times. Yet now, they've managed to blindside all of us along with it. The will to fight the mafia has turned into full blown hatred along with the need for justice to prevail. But will it be in time to save lives or will plans forged for decades take a spin and leave all of us to take a choice between life or death?

Linnette - Who knew life as a civilian would be more hazardous than as a special agent? I won't hesitate to put my life on the line when it comes to my future husband, but his is not the only life on the line in a fight for the throne. There's also more at stake than a kingdom. Will we find the strength to grab hold and fight or will our future fall apart?

Love, family, loyalty; united as one or lost forever.

Unite Three Times is book three in a royal romance trilogy set in a biker world where mafia collides with justice.

Release date: June 29, 2021

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