Cold Killjoy

Cold Killjoy

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Cold Killjoy
Biker. Grumpy. Wrapped in darkness.

Returning to his hometown Mistletoe Montana to take over his father's garage, Cold didn't anticipate to collide with an overly cheerful next door neighbor. With a lump of ice for a heart he lost all hope of experiencing any joy in life, let alone finding love.

Joycelyn Loftings
Generous. Kind. Lighthearted. Wrapped with sunshine.

In the Christmas spirit all year around, Joycelyn decides to take care of her injured, grumpy, old, next door neighbor in her spare time. She never realized it would also bring her face to face with his bad-tempered son.

Can the spirit of Christmas drive away the frost and darkness clung to some people? Or will they allow their past to overshadow the cheerful holiday spirit which lies within their reach?

Release date: December 24, 2020

Print pages: 92

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