Tuesday After Next: Boundary Shock Quarterly #2

Tuesday After Next: Boundary Shock Quarterly #2

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Science fiction does not have to be about alien planets, galactic exploration, and huge space battles.

Instead, science fiction can cover the future that lurks just around the corner. Science fiction that exists after Dieselpunk and before Cyberpunk, where the Makers and the Hackers dwell, modern rebels and punks, hiding just out of sight.

Eleven authors peer into that short distance into the future to see what lies ahead.

This is Boundary Shock Quarterly, Issue 002: Tuesday After Next. Welcome to another exciting issue in a new quarterly speculative fiction magazine.

Be sure to look for Issue 003: Grand Theft Starship, coming soon!

Release date: June 26, 2018

Publisher: Knotted Road Press

Print pages: 256

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