The Outcast

The Outcast

Book 13: Men of the North
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The best part about being an outcast is that rejection stopped bothering me a long time ago.

Everyone in my culture knows emotions are dangerous. In Old Europe we learn how to suppress romantic feelings and follow the rules of no commitment.

Now that I'm working in the Northlands, I'm preparing Nmen for a life in France, teaching them how to flirt, have sex, and move on. The part that bothers me is watching the men practice their flirting skills on my fellow instructor, Sparrow.

Why do I feel like the universe is taunting me by putting Sparrow in my path? Explaining to the Nmen that jealousy is useless and stupid makes me feel like a hypocrite because seeing them come on to her makes me a little crazy myself. Not that I would ever show her or admit it, of course.

Cultures are clashing and emotional control is slipping in The Outcast, the thirteenth book in Elin Peer's addictive dystopian romance series, Men of the North.

Contains mature themes.

Release date: February 20, 2021

Print pages: 306

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