In the business-class cabin of Vivair Flight 002 to London, Chloe Mitchell, a lawyer for a group of exiled African politicians, glanced at the man beside her.
His face, etched with anguish, communicated the news before any words left his mouth. “They murdered Viktor. It’s confirmed.”
Chloe stared at him for a few seconds, her mind trying to process the revelation. They’d killed Viktor Malaba, the beacon of hope for the country of Njala, the man who vowed to dismantle corruption and champion an equal wealth distribution in their oil- and mineral-rich homeland. Murder? A cold wave of panic washed over her.
The politician leaned in closer. “It was an assassination, Chloe,” he whispered urgently. “The crash that killed Viktor . . . It was orchestrated.” He produced a USB stick from his jacket and held it to her with a trembling hand. “Everything is on here—evidence, names, plans. It’s all we have now.”
Chloe took the USB stick, her fingers brushing against his. “Is there another copy?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
“No, there was no time. You must keep it safe,” the politician replied, his eyes darting nervously.
Chloe’s face contorted as she realized what a precarious position she was in. She was now an even bigger target, carrying the only evidence of a conspiracy that could topple a regime. She grasped the USB stick, which suddenly felt heavier.
She hurriedly grabbed her laptop and connected the USB stick. With a few clicks, she had password-protected the device, using a password she knew was memorable and hoped was secure, momentarily quelling her rising anguish. She returned her laptop to its bag and slid it under the ottoman in front of her. She then looked at the USB stick in her hand, turning it over before clasping her hand around it tightly.
Her gaze shifted to the screen in front of her, with its anodyne welcome graphic on a loop. Covering her mouth with her hand, she tried to calm the thoughts speeding through her head, but her heart now joined the race. Every day, she seemed to get deeper into something, and now this.
Her attention snapped to a disturbance behind her. Peering around the seats, she saw a man being escorted off the plane by the police—a drunk passenger, by the looks of it—an impulsive plan formed in her mind, risky but potentially lifesaving. Without a second thought, Chloe stood up and moved into the aisle, pretending to look for something in the overhead compartment. As the police officer pushing the man reached her, she stopped and turned. Then, as she mumbled an apology and moved aside, she deftly slipped the USB stick into the outside pocket of the drunk man’s jacket.
Returning to her seat, Chloe watched the entourage with the drunk depart the aircraft. She pulled out her phone and composed a message to her grandfather, sure he’d know what to do.
Urgent. A man removed from Vivair flight 002 to London. In police custody. Gave him USB with vital info. He doesn’t know he has it. Please track him down, keep USB safe. Will explain later. Love you.
She sent the text, feeling both relief and anxiety, then turned off the phone. Her eyes returned to the politician, who looked at her confused before looking away. Chloe knew he trusted her. They all did. She also knew trust was the only currency in the dangerous landscape she now inhabited. She heard the forward door close with a thump and fastened her seat belt.
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