The Legacy Of Manifesto The Great: A Sci Fi Comedy Where Women Rewrite The Rules

The Legacy Of Manifesto The Great: A Sci Fi Comedy Where Women Rewrite The Rules

Book 3: Planet Hy Man
Genres: Humor & Satire
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Planet Hy Man’s future lay in the hands of two women as ruthless as a cock in a cockfight, but only one can rule.

Bette, an ex-cleaner with a love for order, is grimly hanging onto her leadership. Champing at her heels, rewriting history is Beryl, a woman so ambitious she has rewritten Planet Hy Man’s Geographic——Manifesto the Great’s legacy.

Manifesto the Great is livid and plans a coup, but the men on Planet Hy Man are way too old for that carry-on and couldn’t give a toss about any legacy.

Will his legacy be rewritten forever? Or will Bette remain the leader and show him mercy?

The Legacy Of Manifesto The Great is the third of three prequels to the Planet Hy Man science-fiction comedy series. If you like high-mileage heroines, fast-paced satire, and meticulously crafted universes, then you’ll love Kerrie Noor’s otherworldly farce.

Release date: December 16, 2021

Print pages: 210

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