The Earthquake
The mountains rise to the clouds, remnants of ancient volcanoes standing against all the changes in the world, solid, quiet, and unmovable. In the center of the range is the one whose violent creation surely added to the material in the others nearby. Even with its cataclysmic death, it remains taller than the others, with near vertical sides ending in sharp spikes of obsidian, and a toroid cloud hovering over it like a halo, raining almost continuously into the bowl once filed with lava and ash.
This mountain, called Grey Man by those who live within sight of it, has allegedly never been climbed, or at least none who attempted it have returned.
The story begins near the end of winter, with a severe middle-of-the-night earthquake, causing damage across the region. Rumors of damage to Grey Man have spread regarding a landslide from its sides, but none have ventured close to see for themselves. The meager army already in the area is consumed with helping the villages and towns that were damaged, taking what supplies they had on hand or could gain from merchants and landowners, but they are ill-equipped to do much.
If the disaster had happened at any other time, food supplies would be great in the villages and happening at night more people are injured in their beds by their own collapsing homes than if it had happened during the day.
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