The Accidental Senator

The Accidental Senator

Book 2: Push and Pole
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Lana Chen's just been elected state senator. Weird, because she wasn't running. 

Well, she'd been getting bored with life, anyway. Practicing law in real life was nothing like it appeared on tv. The thought of spending the next forty years pushing papers and filing briefs filled Lana with dread. She craved excitement, and now she's got plenty.

Lana finds herself in uncharted territory. She seeks guidance from sexy Senator Jason Park and irresistible lobbyist Steve to help her navigate the shark-infested waters of politics. Both men seem too good to be true. But you know the expression, never trust a politician, especially a hot one...

One of Lana's mentors manipulates her into voting for a bill that spells disaster for her community and best friend Mel's new business. Can Lana find a way to undo the damage and not lose the most important person in her life?

Release date: October 19, 2020

Publisher: Empress Books

Print pages: 223

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