Sugar Cookies and Murder

Sugar Cookies and Murder

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Can't we all just get along?
Cupcake baker and amateur sleuth, Melissa Beckett, has her hands full with feuding friends who don't let up, even during the holidays. Her bestie, Echo, and her Decorator, Carla, are up to their contentious shenanigans, even at a holiday dinner party, embarrassing themselves and everyone else.
The petty grievances between the two are more annoying than dangerous, but when strange things begin happening to Echo, Missy has to wonder if Carla is up to mischief, or if there's something darker and more sinister afoot.
A scary discovery is made that may scar the entire Calgon gang, if Missy's dashing hubby, Chas doesn't put a stop to it. Can the determined detective and his sidekick, Spencer, take care of it in time?
Christmas is just around the corner and Missy has a whole host of surprises awaiting her...some good, and some potentially deadly.
Enjoy a cupcake or two along with this holiday treat, and see if Missy and her Calgon crew make it through the holidays with their cheer, and their lives, intact, in this exciting Cozy Mystery!

Release date: July 17, 2019

Publisher: Summer Prescott Books

Print pages: 170

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