
Randal RescueGruff as a bear with a thorn in his paw, cantankerous loner RussRandall simply didn't need the aggravation of playing hero to astranded lady and her adorable toddler. Yet the code of honor held byall Randall men wouldn't allow him to do anything less than bringmother and child into his home and give them shelter from the ragingstorm. When Russ learned Isabella Paloni was in a heap of trouble,something greater than honor had him proposing marriage—althoughRuss would deny with his last breath that he had any passion left inhis hardened heart. But when they sealed their fate with a kiss, Russwondered if this Randall wedding would lead him to a love greater thanhe'd ever known….

Release date: December 1, 2002

Publisher: Harlequin

Print pages: 224

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