
The Randall Saga Continues…Trapped like a hog-tied calf in a greasy spoon, champion bull riderRich Randall had no choice but to accept the help of pretty dinerwaitress Samantha Jeffers to get himself, and his broken ankle, out ofthe one-horse town and home to Wyoming. In exchange, Rich would assistthe feisty lady in her escape from the nefarious advances of herburger-slinging boss. But Rich was quick to inform Samantha there'd beno romantic strings attached to their bargain—and she was quick tolaugh in his face! Which soon had the playboy wrangler wondering whyshe was immune to his legendary Randall charm, and eager to change hermind…any way he could!

Release date: April 1, 2002

Publisher: Harlequin

Print pages: 224

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