Murder, She Meowed

Murder, She Meowed

Book 5: Mrs. Murphy
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What do steeplechase, playing cards and daggers have in common? They all play vital roles in the intricately woven plot of Sneaky Pie and her human cohort Rita Mae Brown in this delightful mystery. While Mary "Harry" Haristeen and her cat, Mrs. Murphy attend the annual steeplechase at Montpelier, Mrs. Murphy discovers something amiss. During the celebration following the race, one of the jockeys is found dead in the barn, a dagger through his heart and the queen of clubs impaled by the dagger. Hot on the killer's trail, Mrs. Murphy is joined by a wistful band of barn mice when the killer strikes again. But can she make her human partner understand before yet another life is lost? Acclaimed across the globe, this mystery series is a perennial fan favorite.

Release date: March 30, 2004

Publisher: Bantam

Print pages: 336

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