Legacy of Debris: The Complete Series

Legacy of Debris: The Complete Series

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Get the Legacy of Debris bundle, a post-apocalyptic survival series with a dark, fairy-tale spin. It's a home-run listen for fans of The Maze Runner, The Lunar Chronicles, and The Selection series.

Forget life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.... Surviving is a feat in and of itself.

Seventeen-year-old Ellie Hudson immerses herself in the few things the Supply Wars haven't destroyed - her ranch work and secret baseball games with her best friend.

But her power-hungry stepmother is leading a group of domestic terrorists in an effort to start another Civil War and frame Ellie as the instigator.

Ellie’s lost her father, her home, and her country, but nothing can rob her of her need to preserve the American dream - or what’s left of it....

Buy this special-edition omnibus to experience this complete, harrowing series from debut author L. Blaise Hues.

This bundle contains three full-length novels:

  • Book 1: Republic of Ruin
  • Book 2: Shattered State
  • Book 3: Crimson Nation

Publisher: Aethon Audio

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Legacy of Debris: The Complete Series
L. Blaise Hues
Tess Irondale




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