Hefnd: A Viking Revenge Historical Fiction Fantasy Novelette

Hefnd: A Viking Revenge Historical Fiction Fantasy Novelette

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Honor is a giant that gnaws away at a warrior’s heart

It is the early years of human civilization, and the northmen have settled on the lands of Denmark and Norway.

Devastation has fallen upon a Viking village

Eindride, a dispossessed Viking jarl in a perpetual search for the man who killed his father, is guided by a wandering idiot to find the men guilty of releasing the same fate on his family and burning his settlement to the ground.

But will the treacherous path lead to vengeance, or death? Get it now.

As part of the 444 Universe, Hefnd offers backstory depicting events occurring before Path of the Hybrids and Messengers Rising.

Previously released on Kindle Vella as Within the Confines of the Universe [Episodes 1-10]

Release date: May 20, 2023

Print pages: 50

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