GENESIS RESET: A Family Survival Novel

GENESIS RESET: A Family Survival Novel

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How does one woman keep a devastating secret hidden for ten years?

For a decade, Sienna has harboured a secret so profound, it could alter the course of humanity. On the night of her wedding anniversary, surrounded by her husband Tyson and their loving family, it's time to unveil the truth.

As the celebration unfolds, shock and disbelief surge through the room. Sienna's revelation stuns everyone: a terrifying world event is imminent, one that will shatter their reality and change their lives forever.

Sienna’s family must confront their deepest fears, unravel the truth, and brace for an uncertain future. Every bond is tested, every emotion laid bare.

Will they survive against the odds in a new world, or will chaos tear them apart?

Dive into Sienna’s harrowing journey — a heart-wrenching tale of love, courage, and the unbreakable spirit of a family facing the end of the world as they know it.

Release date: July 29, 2024

Publisher: K B Publishing

Print pages: 220

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