Fruitcake Murder

Fruitcake Murder

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It never rains but it pours...
And Missy's holiday season just turned into a hurricane of mystery.
Cupcake baker and amateur sleuth, Melissa Beckett, is busy gearing up for a New Year's Gala that will be held at the bed and breakfast inn that she owns with her dashing husband, Detective Chas Beckett.
Strange things are happening in the sleepy beachside paradise of Calgon, Florida, and when murder enters the mix, Missy dives right in, despite her busy schedule. The innkeeper, Maggie is away at her sister's making life even more hectic for the stressed out sleuth, and it seems as though someone is going out of their way to terrorize her. Is it just odd mischief? Or is murder on the menu for the busy baker?
Find out in this fast-paced Cozy Mystery!

Release date: September 4, 2019

Publisher: Summer Prescott Books

Print pages: 140

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