Follow the Wind

Follow the Wind

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Welcome to The Club -- Golf's Valhalla -- where all that's necessary for admission is an intense love of the game. Here you'll watch the greatest players replay their victories...and their they search for golf's hidden and seemingly inaccessible meaning. Like W.P. Kinsella's Shoeless Joe -- the basis for the movie Field of Dreams -- Follow the Wind is sports fantasy at its finest and most poignant. A young man following an errant shot into the woods emerges on a totally unfamiliar golf course. The first person he encounters is the legendary Ben Hogan, feverishly practicing for something special. As Links weaves his tale, introducing such golfing greats as Walter Hagen, Bobby Jones, Alister MacKenzie, and the famous nineteenth century Scottish champions Old and Young Tom Morris, he recreates the most momentous events in golfing history and captures the magic that has lured millions to the fairway. For fans of Harvey Penick's books and for everyone who has searched for inspiration on the golf course, Follow the Wind offers the satisfaction of a perfect shot that soars for the flagstick.

Release date: April 16, 1996

Publisher: Touchstone

Print pages: 256

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