Feng Shui 101 Easy And Fun: Cultivate Positive Vibes

Feng Shui 101 Easy And Fun: Cultivate Positive Vibes

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Our home is a reflection of our personality and our personality is impacted by the way we live. Subconsciously we arranged our living space according to our psychological patterns - in good and bad ways.
We formed vicious circles: negative mental patterns induced us to design our home in unfavorable ways and the resulting, depressing energies have fueled negative subconscious patterns. Having lived in the same place for many years, we ended up in energetic and habitual ruts. Feng Shui is the perfect tool for breaking those vicious circles.

Read this book and learn how to:
- Think energy and vibes
- Live in harmony with nature's finer forces
- Avoid superstition
- Create inspirations, beautiful spaces, and comfort that regenerates
- Analyze and optimize your living space
- Work with colors and the five elements
- Identify what is clutter and what not and declutter accordingly
- Create basic Astrological profiles of family members and remedy conflicts
- Maintain a Feng Shui journal

Companies like intel, Dreamworks, Citibank, and the hotel chain Hilton used Feng Shui to design their buildings and offices. Feng Shui blends beautifully with modern design. Feng Shui 101 Easy and Fun comes with many beautiful pictures that will surely inspire you.

Release date: January 11, 2016

Publisher: Publeace

Print pages: 76

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