Dragon's Angel: A Post-Apocalyptic Adventure

Dragon's Angel: A Post-Apocalyptic Adventure

Book 7: Dragon Wars
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Mai Le is called the Angel for a reason. She may be beautiful, but she's also deadly with a blade. Which is a useful skill in the post-apocalyptic wasteland that is her home. Unfortunately, she has to keep it a secret, or her own brother will slit her throat.

Rumor has it that Takei—aka the Dragon—has killed three dragons single-handed. Quite a feat for a man who isn't a genetically enhanced soldier. But there are enemies far more dangerous than dragons on the horizon, and the only chance for survival is if the Dragon and the Angel work together.

This fast-paced adventure is the seventh in a mesmerizing and addictive post-apocalyptic series.

Release date: June 23, 2020

Publisher: Sunwalker Press

Print pages: 81

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