Dragon Corps: A Post-Apocalyptic Adventure

Dragon Corps: A Post-Apocalyptic Adventure

Book 5: Dragon Wars
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Rain Mauri's plan seemed so simple: Stop the bad guys, save the future. She didn't start the fight, but she will end it and she is willing to do whatever it takes.

But nothing is simple in this war-torn world filled with monstrous scientific creations and violent genetically modified men. If she wants to prevail, she will need more than strength, grit, and courage. She may need to sacrifice all she holds dear.

This fast-paced adventure is the fifth in a mesmerizing and addictive post-apocalyptic series.

Author's Note: This book was originally published in 2013. This is the second edition.

Release date: May 8, 2020

Publisher: Sunwalker Press

Print pages: 93

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