The greatest frontier of the unknown lies within...
Rising from the wreckage of a crashed ship, a man explores a world that is at once strange and familiar. When he encounters the inhabitants of that world, he learns some uncomfortable truths--and a few uncomfortable things about himself. When he is faced with choices to make in the present, will he defer to the past? Or will he embrace a new future? Who he was, is, and will become is the journey of a lifetime that he never expected.
Different Vessels is an exploration of the human condition through the lens of a man at odds with his own forgotten past. A tale intended to be both entertaining as it is thought-provoking. Traverse across the mysterious landscape of a man's soul in a SciFi adventure story where Total Recall meets American History X.
Rising from the wreckage of a crashed ship, a man explores a world that is at once strange and familiar. When he encounters the inhabitants of that world, he learns some uncomfortable truths--and a few uncomfortable things about himself. When he is faced with choices to make in the present, will he defer to the past? Or will he embrace a new future? Who he was, is, and will become is the journey of a lifetime that he never expected.
Different Vessels is an exploration of the human condition through the lens of a man at odds with his own forgotten past. A tale intended to be both entertaining as it is thought-provoking. Traverse across the mysterious landscape of a man's soul in a SciFi adventure story where Total Recall meets American History X.
Release date: June 29, 2021
Print pages: 176
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