Cattle Annie and Little Britches

Cattle Annie and Little Britches

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Based on the lives of two adolescent girls in the late 19th century who became infatuated with the Western outlaw heroes they had read about in Ned Buntline's stories and left their homes to join them. The outlaws the girls find are the demoralised remnants of the Doolin-Dalton gang, led by the aging Bill Doolin. Annie shames, and inspires the men, to become what she had imagined them to be. The younger sister Jenny finds a father figure in Doolin, who calls her Little Britches. Doolin's efforts to live up to the girls' vision of him lead him to be carted off in a cage to an Oklahoma jail where he waits to be hanged.

Release date: November 15, 2012

Publisher: Gallery Books

Print pages: 192

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