Casualties of Consequence

Casualties of Consequence

Book 6: Peacemaker Wars
J.N. Chaney Founding author
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It has all come down to this...

With the attack countdown ticking toward zero, Mark and Perry pitch themselves headfirst into a seemingly impossible mission. One intended to break Gyl-Mareth's hold on the Guild, and thus the galaxy, once and for all.

But first, Peaceful Skies must fall.

Their strike is silent and deadly. Justice prevails. As a veteran and battle-tested soldier, Mark Tudor understands one key truth—violence is never a straightforward affair. Even the best laid plans can crumble. And when working against a savvy predator, one should always expect the unexpected.

Unfortunately, one success does not necessarily lead to another, and in a surprising move, Mark and Valint find themselves on the defensive. Even formidable warriors possess weakness, and unfortunately, Gyl-Mareth doesn't just know
what it is, but where.

Prepare for the final, explosive chapter in the Peacemaker Wars saga, and see how one man wrestles civilized space back from the brink.

This is how a legacy begins.

Release date: September 11, 2024

Publisher: Variant Publications

Print pages: 494

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