Blind Date

Blind Date

Available in:
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After the death of her husband four years ago, Hartley Watson is finally ready to meet someone—and maybe even have a second chance at love. But then, just as her dating life seems to be getting started, Hartley is struck with a horrifying realization: Someone is watching her. Entering her home. Even knows the intimate details of her life. How else to explain the strange deliveries, or the sudden appearance of mementos from her dead spouse—ones that she had kept for so long in storage?

If only Hartley could know for sure whether what is happening to her is real or if her grief is making her lose touch with reality. Those around her aren't convinced that she's being stalked, nor is the wonderful, supportive man Hartley's started dating. The exciting new life she has created for herself is slowly becoming a nightmare . . .

How can Hartley seek protection when nobody believes that she's at risk—and the only one in the world she can trust is herself?

Release date: August 1, 2017

Publisher: St. Martin's Publishing Group

Print pages: 304

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