72 Hours

72 Hours

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A fate worse than death.

It's all part of his sick game. A game he's been planning for an entire decade. Now everything is perfect: One woman and one man have been selected. They used to be a couple-and they can no longer stand one another. They are the perfect victims. He doesn't intend for the game to be easy. He wants to push them to the brink of insanity, to make his hunt real . . .

A desire worth fighting for . . .

The couple has been captured and dumped into a massive wooded area. There's only one rule in this fatal game: They will have seventy-two hours to find a way out before the sadistic serial killer begins his hunt. But what he never could have expected was the explosive passion that ignites between the two ex-lovers-one that makes them strong. Fierce. And determined to do whatever it takes to escape-and to survive . . .

Release date: April 4, 2017

Publisher: St. Martin's Publishing Group

Print pages: 304

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