Toni Morrison

About the author

Toni Morrison was the author of eleven novels, fromThe Bluest Eye (1970) to God Help the Child (2015). She received the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Pulitzer Prize, and in 1993 she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Many readers and critics regard her highest achievement to be Beloved (1987), the first novel in a trilogy chronicling black small town and urban communities over the past 150 years. It is based on a true story she uncovered while preparing a historical collection, The Black Book (1974), and explores the terrible impact of slavery on a young mother who murders her child to prevent her being repossessed by the slave-owner from whom she escaped. Ms. Morrison died in August 2019 at age 88.

Genres: General FictionAfrican AmericanComing of AgeLiterary Fiction

Books by Toni Morrison

Vintage International
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