Tara Marlow

I'm a bit of a crackpot writer... I get inspired by dreams. Tasmania, Australia
About the author

In 2011, Tara ditched the corporate desk, emptied her nest in 2017 and travelled the world, full time for three years, working as a travel writer and photographer. Today, Tara lives in Tasmania, where she has pivoted her writing focus to fictional stories about women overcoming seemingly insurmountable challenges, revealing who they are and what they're made of. 

In 2016, Tara received a Highly Commended Award for her short story, The Wolf in Central Park, a modern twist on Little Red Riding Hood. 

Camino Wandering is Tara’s first fictional novel. Her second novel, Beneath the Surface. will be released in September 2021.


Genres: Action & AdventureComing of AgeFriendshipMedia Tie-InWomen's FictionYA Mysteries & Thrillers

Books by Tara Marlow


Behind the books

I'm a bit of crackpot with my writing.

My website is about my writing process, my books, but my social media stuff is about me, the writer. My "street team" or The Lovelies, a nod to my first novel, keep me sane, and are the ones who really get to know what's behind my books.

Many book ideas stem from dreams, so I'm scrambling to get the dreams out of my head first thing in the morning, usually over a cup of very strong coffee. Thankfully, I have a husband who has my coffee waiting and gives me the quiet space to write. (He's learned the hard way.)

I am a complete coffee snob (like most Australians) and I love a good drop of Spanish or Portuguese wine. But never from a box.

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