Stephanie Vance

About the author

Romantic comedy writer Stephanie Vance’s works often feature spunky DC characters who humorously discover how even political opposites can generate a lot more than just policy sparks. A graduate of the Taos Writers Workshop, Stephanie earned her MFA from Western State Colorado University. Her speculative short fiction has been published in a variety of outlets, including Bark Magazine, Andromeda Spaceways, and the anthologies One Star Reviews of the Afterlife and Enter the Apocalypse.

Just as art imitates life, Stephanie’s inspiration as a novelist is rooted in her thirty-year career as DC’s “Advocacy Guru” and veteran of the capital’s legislative scene. An extensive traveler and avid scuba diver, she has visited six continents and dived everywhere from Iceland to the Great Barrier Reef. She attended college on a music scholarship (flute) and holds three master’s degrees—which she’s pretty sure equals a Ph.D. A wine-drinker and dog mom to a beloved Australian Cattle Dog, she lives with her husband in Washington, DC

Genres: RomanceContemporary Romance

Books by Stephanie Vance


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