Stacy Wise

About the author

Stacy Wise *wrote* her first book when she was six. It was completely plagiarized, but she spent hours copying it word-for-word in her best printing, so that should count for something.

She devoured books as a kid, but never considered she'd be lucky enough to call herself a real author. Nonetheless, she kept writing. Years later, she graduated from UCLA with a degree in communication studies. Thanks to an internship at NBC, she dropped her plans for graduate school and pursued a career in television casting. She worked on shows including The X Files, Married...With Children, and Party of Five. She continued to write (really bad) stories. After nearly a decade, Stacy left casting and returned to school for her teaching credential and masters. She taught kindergarten and third grade. One marriage and four kids later, Stacy finally decided that maybe one of her stories was worth sharing. "Beyond the Stars" is her debut novel.

She lives in California with her husband and children. When she's not writing, you can find her walking her dogs, Bailey and Rex, kickboxing, or lost in a good book.

Genres: General FictionRomanceWomen's FictionContemporary Romance

Books by Stacy Wise


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